The Second Entrance Exam Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the second entrance exam will be held at Codeforces on July 2.
The entrance exam will be held in the form of a Codeforces contest according to IOI-style rules. The exam will be held in our Codeforces group so please join it if you have not done so yet. Confirmation of your registration is not automatic and may take some time. We would like to ask you to fill out your personal information in your Codeforces profile for quick identification. Please be aware, that all entrance exams will also be held in this group and you must be registered to take part.
We also remind you to register on our website to apply for studies at the EPIC Institute of Technology.
In the Codeforces group, you can now find a trial entrance exam and the first entrance exam for practice.We remind you that all exams are independent of each other and you must pass at least one of them!
If you have any questions, you can quickly ask them in our chat.