The First Entrance Exam Announcement

We are happy to announce that the date of the first entrance exam is set for July 27, 15:00 CET. We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide on how to get enrolled:

  1. Fill out the application form on our website. After successful registration, you should receive an email containing the following text - "This is your EPIC Institute of Technology application confirmation. We will get back to you shortly".  If you haven’t received it - first check your spam box and if it is not there, fill the form once again.

  2. Join our Codeforces group. Entrance exams will be held there in the form of contests. Don't worry if your application to join the group is not processed immediately, as we currently have an overwhelming number of applications. Rest assured that all applications will be processed before the exams. Also, we strongly recommend to share either your real name or your email (the same one you provided in the application form) in your Codeforces profile so that we can easily identify you if you pass the exam.

  3. There will be three entrance exams in total. Registration for the exam opens 6 hours before it starts. Each exam will last 4 hours. In order to be accepted you have to get a passing score in at least one of them. The passing score for each exam will be published within a few days of the exam itself. We will also provide solutions to each exam after the exam so that you can prepare for the next one. If you don’t get a passing score for an exam you can still participate in the next one.

Stay tuned for updates! You won't miss any important information if you are subscribed to our announcement channel or our LinkedIn group. We will announce the dates of the other exams in advance and on the day of the exam. You can also ask your questions in the discussion channel.

If you follow all of the steps above, we will send you an email with further instructions if you achieve a sufficient score in one of the exams.

Good luck!

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